The Pizza Knight Saves The Princess: Devlog 9/8/24

Hey everyone! I'm the developer of The Pizza Knight Saves The Princess, and I'm here to give you an update on what's going on behind the scenes! While the demo may be out already, I'm actually a lot farther along in the full release. Here's a little free sample of what I've accomplished so far:

  • An actual title screen. It's included in this post!
  • Toppings progress: In addition to the two toppings present in the demo, I've finished work on another seven toppings, bringing the total of finished toppings to nine! One is currently in-progress and the other two will be finished sometime this month, maybe even sometime this WEEK!
  • Good endings progress: In addition to the four good endings present in the demo, I've finished work on another three good endings, bringing the total of finished good endings to seven! Good Ending 8 is currently in-progress, as are the last remaining alternate routes for Good Endings 4 and 5.
  • Fail progress: In addition to the five failures present in the demo, I've finished work on another two failures, bringing the total of finished fails to seven!
  • Potions, potions, POTIONS!: Once the toppings are done, I'm going to open up the potions room (which is really just a third-floor bathroom with magic potions in it) and go down our alternate routes! The potions will not only give many opportunities for good & bad endings alike, it'll also explore the Pizza Knight's backstory and show how he became a knight in the first place.
  • The Secret Menu: Once the potion-based routes are finished I'll work on the secret ending & fail. It's gonna be a big one.

And that's what's happening! See you around!

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