The Pizza Knight Saves The Princess: Devlog 9/24/24

Hey everyone! I'm the developer of The Pizza Knight Saves The Princess, and I'm here to give you an update on what's going on behind the scenes! While the demo may be out already, I'm actually a lot farther along in the full release. Here's a little free sample of what I've accomplished so far:

  • Toppings progress: In addition to the two toppings present in the demo, I've finished work on both remaining toppings! Aside from character talk sprites the main routes are COMPLETE!
  • Good endings progress: All remaining alternate routes for Good Endings 1-8 are COMPLETE aside from sprites!
  • Fail progress: In addition to the five failures present in the demo, I've finished work on another failure, bringing the total of finished fails to eight!
  • Seas of greens: We meet the Lettuce Mermaid, friend of the Water Ice Princess and the Pizza Knight and an alternate love interest, on the routes to Good Ending 5 and 6. I've included a picture of her & some seabirds in this post!
  • Potions, potions, POTIONS!: The first potion we can encounter in the potions room is finished! I'm currently working on the others and the second potion's route should be finished soon!

And that's what's happening! See you around!

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